Friday, June 19, 2009

Every minute of every day...

Another phone call and a young woman says "I'm discharging and I need to be checked. I called the health department and they want $150.00 to check me." My guess is that many of our public health agencies do not understand the urgency of Georgia's STD epidemic. Or they haven't read the CDC information that "Yes. Having a sexually transmitted disease (STD) can increase a person's risk of becoming infected with HIV, whether the STD causes open sores or breaks in the skin (e.g., syphilis, herpes, chancroid) or does not cause breaks in the skin (e.g., chlamydia, gonorrhea)." Or maybe, it is only because if the above woman does become HIV infected, her care is not going to come out of the local health dep't budget- she would become a federal (Ryan White) problem. President Obama: are you hearing these stories?

Every minute of every day...

4 people contract HIV and another 4 die of AIDS.

Please join us on June 27th from 2-4 pm
for FREE HIV TESTING conducted by the AIDS Resouce Center,
FREE HIV/STD information and FREE condoms.

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