Friday, May 15, 2009

Hey-whatever works!

"Better than Nothing" birth control for all Georgia women? Maybe along with our Georgia DHR's policy of limiting birth control access to Georgia women, DHR needs to be widely promoting withdrawal. See, “Better Than Nothing or Savvy Risk-Reduction Practice? The Importance of Withdrawal,” (6/09, Contraception) Withdrawal is only slightly less effective than the male condom at preventing pregnancy. The best available estimates indicate that with “perfect use,” 4% of couples relying on withdrawal will become pregnant within a year, compared with 2% of couples relying on the male condom. More realistic estimates suggest that with “typical use,” 18% of couples relying on withdrawal will become pregnant within a year, compared with 17% of those using the male condom. In other words, with either method, more than eight in 10 avoid pregnancy. What is Withdrawal, you ask?

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